Having sex in the car is exciting for many reasons, not the least of which is that it reminds you of being a teenager again, hiding in the backseat, terrified (or excited) by the prospect of getting caught and doing whatever it takes to get your naughty little hands on each other. In this enclosed setting, you and your partner will be put to the test as you try to get off as quickly as possible.
But let’s be honest, if you aren’t as nimble as you were when you were 18, getting it on in a vehicle can be tricky and not all that comfortable. Have you ever landed on your tailbone too hard on a seat belt? Ouch. But, with the correct automobile sex position (and some fulfilling sex toys), you can have a devastatingly hot experience and depart with some unforgettable memories for the next time you have to run errands.
Everyone has a vivid memory of the sexual encounter that took place in the backseat of a car between Jack and Rose in the film Titanic. There are a lot of different places in a car where you can exercise your creative side, such as the seat, the door, the glass…
An excellent automobile sex session may be had in a variety of positions, some of which are more comfortable and enjoyable than others.
Side spoon
There’s a good reason why people sit in a spooning position in cars. To begin, it has a high level of comfort and it accomplishes what it sets out to do. This is a pretty good area and posture to start making out in the car for the first time, especially if this is your first time doing so.
Entry from the rear, seated
The guy sits in the front passenger seat, while the girl sits on top facing the opposite direction for easy access from the back seat. If you want to make things more interesting for the both of you, make sure that her legs are tucked inside of yours and that the space between the two of you is tight and under control. The rhythm is under the woman’s control at all times.
Backseat driver
You should get the passenger seat as close to the dashboard as you possibly can. The gentleman in the backseat reclines with his legs propped up on either side, and the lady climbs up on top of him with her back to him. The girl either kneels or bends her legs so that her feet are planted outside his hips, and this position is determined by her height as well as the make of the car. It doesn’t matter how big or little the car is since this position provides the same level of enjoyment no matter what.
Room in the trunk
You can lay one chair down and have her lean over it to get the doggy style, which is popular among some people. This position offers the best of both worlds: the woman has the opportunity to give a lot of caresses, while the male gets the kind of deep penetration that can take them all the way.
The opposite of a cowgirl.
It is more comfortable to have sex inside of a car rather than on a bed when you are in the reverse cowgirl position. These bold assertions are supported by evidence, and we have reasons to back them up. Because there are places to grab onto and lean on in a car, you can give your legs the much-needed rest they need. The rider can support their head on the headrest of the front seat while they bounce on their thighs. It is recommended that you take this position on the middle rear seat because it provides the maximum space for your legs.